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Add your namespaces with HNS


Feature available with Babel 2.1+

Manage your namespaces

Customer's namespaces are managed with the concept of Hierarchical Namespaces. In its simplest form, a hierarchical namespace is a regular Kubernetes namespace that contains a small custom resource that identifies a single, optional, parent namespace. This establishes the concept of ownership across namespaces, not just within them. This concept of ownership enables the policy inheritance: if one namespace is a child of another, policy objects such as RBAC RoleBindings are copied from the parent to the child.

The cluster service owner has permission to create namespace under its own namespaces such as customer-namespaces in your case. The created namespaces wil have the exact same permission has the parent namespace.

Example of customer namespace structure

├── namespace-a
├── namespace-b
└── ...

Setup tools

Install hns kubectl plugin

  1. Install krew macOS/Linux (Bash or ZSH shells). Reference

    1. Make sure that git is installed.
    2. Run this command to download and install krew:
      set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
      OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" &&
      ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" &&
      KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" &&
      curl -fsSLO "${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
      tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
      ./"${KREW}" install krew
    3. Add the $HOME/.krew/bin directory to your PATH environment variable. To do this, update your .bashrc or .zshrc file and append the following line: export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH" and restart your shell.
    4. Run kubectl krew to check the installation
  2. Install hns plugin with krew

    kubectl krew update && kubectl krew install hns
  3. Test installation

    kubectl hns


    Manipulates hierarchical namespaces provided by HNC

    kubectl-hns [command]

    Available Commands:
    completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell

Manage your namespaces

  • Create namespace

    kubectl hns create <my-new-namespace> -n customer-namespaces
  • List namespaces

    kubectl get ns


    cert-manager                Active   6d
    default Active 6d1h

    Note: All cluster namespaces. No distinction between regular namespace and hierarchical namespace

  • Show namespace structure

    kubectl hns tree customer-namespaces


    ├── namespace-a
    ├── namespace-b
    └── ...
  • Detail namespace

    kubectl describe ns <my-new-namespace>


    Name:         my-new-namespace
    Annotations: customer-namespaces
    Status: Active

    No resource quota.

    No LimitRange resource.

    Note: Labels and annotations contain information about the parent's namespace.

  • Delete namespace

    kubectl delete subnamespaceanchor <my-namespace-to-delete> -n customer-namespaces

    Output: "my-sub-namespace" deleted

Work with namespace

Use service account

For any subnamespaces of customer-namespaces or customer-namespaces use customer-namespaces

  1. Download kubeconfig script
  2. Set executable
  3. Retrieve customer-namespaces kubeconfig customer-namespaces
  4. Do your operations on customer-namespaces or its child Some examples
    kubectl get secret -n customer-namespaces --kubeconfig <customer-namespaces-sa-kubeconfig-file>
    kubectl get pod -n customer-namespaces-child --kubeconfig <customer-namespaces-sa-kubeconfig-file>

Known limitations and troubleshooting

Service account permission issue while using child SA in child namespace

Current HNC version propagates SA from parent to child namespace however the secret associated to the SA is not propagated. Using the child SA for operations on cluster returns permission errors.

The workaround is to use the parent SA for all operations on sub-child. Using the parent SA for its child isn't a security concern because HNC is based on the assumption that if you have access to the parent, it's normal to have access to its childs.

In case where you are deploying in a customer-namespaces child a pod using SA permission, the SA in customer-namespaces(parent) is not accessible. Error creating: pods "..." is forbidden: error looking up service account <customer-namespaces child>/k8saas-generic-sa-cicd: serviceaccount "k8saas-generic-sa-cicd" not found

The solution is to create a new SA in the customer-namespaces child and use this new SA inside the deployed pod. Retrieve new SA kubeconfig <service-account-namespace> <service-account-name>